If you plan to renovate your house, one economically savvy option is to paint your old kitchen cabinets rather than buy new ones. This simple task helps you transform any kitchen into a new and refreshing one. Here are some tips to help you paint your kitchen cabinets. Read more to find out.

Image result for KITCHEN CABINETS

1. Get the Grease Off

Even the best quality paint won’t work on oily cupboards. So, the most basic step before painting the cabinets is to clean them with an oil-removing solution. Scrub the cabinets with dishwashing fluid or a proper grease remover, clear them with water, and then wipe them with a dry cloth.

2. Think about Filling Open Grain

Certain kinds of wood have grain with many open pores. Oak is one of them. Although leaving the pores is not a big problem, if you have a perfect and smooth look to your cabinets, you should consider filling them up as pores become visible once the paint is applied.

3. Remove the doors

Removing the cabinet doors and other hardware before painting them is better. Number every one of the entryways and name their comparing areas as you evacuate them.

4. Clean the parts

You must first clean the greater part of the surfaces you wish to repaint. This helps eliminate accumulated debris or dust and makes painting on the cabinets easier.

5. Choose the correct paint.

Not all paint is suited for all types of material. Some paint doesn’t stick to certain substances, and you must research the right quality paint before purchasing it. You can also go to stores and seek expert advice.

6. Choose a color that goes well with other components.

You must select a color that compliments the rest of your kitchen, like your appliances. Select one that doesn’t look odd or stand out from the others. Remember that the color you choose can change the whole look of your kitchen. You can always search on the internet for ideas.

7. Pack up your kitchen components flawlessly.

You must pack all the materials like utensils, knives, forks, and other cutlery items neatly before you start with the painting, as you don’t want them to be damaged or broken in the process. This will help you organize things back in place once the image ends.

8. Remove your curtains and mats

Roll up the mats, clear the ledges, and evacuate the curtain, as you will make a wreck. Doing so saves your rugs and curtains from getting dirty.

9. Make use of disposable painting plates.

These are available at meager prices, and you can always eliminate them once your work is over. If you buy plastic ones, you can throw them off compared to metal ones that you will have to otherwise clean.

10. Buy additional supplies.

It is important to have a stock of additional brushes and paint rollers. The lacquer paint is anything but difficult to clean with cleanser and water, and those brushes can be reused a few times; however, oil-based paint tidy-up is very time-consuming. So, it is always good to have some additional supplies so that you can save your time.

11. Seal the brushes

Please use plastic bags or wraps to seal your brushes once they are used. This helps you to Use them effectively the next day as well.

12. Ask for help

Though most people prefer to do the work alone, it is always a good idea to ask for help because it is time-consuming and tiring for one person to do it alone.

13. Apply the right type of finish

You will not repaint your kitchen cabinets anytime soon, so you must apply an extra coat of finish to keep them looking shiny and durable. You can consider a satin, glossy, or semi-gloss finish.

14. Do not compromise on quality

When you buy paint, do not pick very cheap ones, understanding that investing in the right type of paint brings durability.

15. Paint the interiors as well

It is as important to paint the interiors of the cabinets as the exteriors. Only then will your cabinets look new and refreshing.

16. Give ample time for the paint to dry

Once you have removed the cabinet doors and are done painting them, keep them away in a safe place for the color to dry. Could you not bring them back in a hurry? You don’t want all your efforts to go wasted.

17. Label the doors

When removing them, it is better to label each of the doors as it will help you save time when you have to reattach them again.