Forget Bleeding Edge: Build Yourself a Compact, Six-core PC


With the recent (and most bungled) release of Nvidia’s 3000 series cards, all eyes are on 8K gaming and 4K high frame rates and all these bleeding-edge angles to PC building. Because a GPU made a generational leap, everyone should aim for 4K gaming. These are the same people who swear that playing games at 1440p is the sweet spot. This is what hype does to people, making them think you must have the absolute best or it’s a bust.

Six-core PC

It’s the same story for people interested in building a workstation for their current and future work-from-home setups. “You must get at least a 12-core CPU and 32 GB of memory” if you’ll be light media work. All it will make you do is spend more money than you should.

Finding the middle ground is the key to building a system that will serve you well and make you happy. Guys who do computer repair will swear by this principle. That middle ground will save you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars. That middle ground will be enough to get you through office work, whether it’s all spreadsheets or you’re a media person. Then, the middle ground will push high frame rates at high settings at night. And it all starts with a six-core CPU.

Middle Is the New Above Average

“Future-proofing” is idiot-speak for people who justify excess. An eight-core is a must-buy so that your system will last long. Do these people not realize that Skylake-era i5 chips are performing mightily well five years after their release? Praising a new CPU’s performance is one thing, but recommending a $300 one is ridiculous. If you’re looking to build a PC, a six-core CPU is a perfect starting point, not because it’s flawless, but because it will give you all the power you need right now and the value you need in the long term.

This forgotten CPU sector is powerful enough for light to medium editing work, which means that a capable enough system around it will ensure that you’re pushing 100 frames per second in AAA games. Then, use the money you saved to get good peripherals. An IPS screen, mechanical keyboard, and a wireless mouse will make working, studying, or gaming a pleasure.

Expandability is Key

When the time comes that you’ll need more, and you will, a powerful CPU or GPU won’t help you. So, if you’re foreseeing bigger demands from your PC, ensure it can handle expansions and upgrades early on. In the long run, the extra RAM sticks or another m. two slot is more valuable than a 3090. If you have more sense, a RAID configuration is a thousand times more important than achieving 8K-level gaming in a 1440p monitor.

Reading reviews is the first step to knowing more. Reading between the lines is the key to spending the right amount. No five-star ratings can justify a $1,000 GPU if it doesn’t help you work or study better. This is why the perfect starting point isn’t at the top or the bottom but in the middle.

Meta title: Love for the Unhype: the Forgotten Six-core CPU for PC Building

Meta description: The bleeding edge in PC buildings is the most boring. Is the latest GPU necessary to play a game at its most beautiful? 16-core CPU for a professional workstation? It’s all hype, and the PC-building community is better without it.