Bank rejecting Vijay Mallya’s Rs 4,000 cr offer shows they have guts finally


The choice of a 17-member bank consortium, led by a Country Bank of India (SBI), to reject an offer by way of Kingfisher leader Vijay Mallya to pay Rs 4,000 crore to banks and insist for the liquor baron to seem in man or woman for similarly negotiations indicates that India’s nation-run banks have ultimately learned the lesson inside the tough way. They have started to reveal the center to tackle crony promoters.

Mallya’s proposal to banks exhibited the characteristics of a generous gift from an emperor to his subjects rather than from a loan defaulter to the financial institution. When Mallya is because of pay Rs nine 000 crore to a grasp of banks, the liquor baron offered Rs four 000 crore and a further Rs 2,000 crore on the settlement of a prison case after negotiating through a video convention from the suburbs of London. This is not how a bank in India usually copes with a defaulter who has not paid back his mortgage for more than four years.

Vijay Mallya and Arundhati BhattacharyaVijay Mallya and Arundhati BhattacharyaVijay Mallya and Arundhati Bhattacharya
additionally, Mallya deserved no unique privilege. He is far from a sincere borrower going through a transient monetary issue. After all, the person is tagged as a wilful defaulter (someone who wouldn’t pay lower back to banks although he can achieve this) with the aid of two banks, including SBI, after the lenders carried out audits and discovered instances of fund diversion and economic irregularities via Mallya.

The Kingfisher-Mallya case is specific from other banker-defaulter dealings, considering several investigative companies, the Enforcement Directorate, Income Tax authorities, and the principal Bureau of Research for costs and monetary fraud.
Real financial difficulties and industry issues form a minor part of the general motives that resulted in the default of Kingfisher’s loans to banks sooner or later. Banks have identified the diversion of finances by the flamboyant industrialists to different activities that have nothing to do with the initially supposed use of the money borrowed for Kingfisher Airlines.
Besides, Mallya has by no means even once shown the willingness to pay off money to banks in these for years. Rather, he took the banking device on a journey to use his prison crew’s power and connections inside the political and bureaucratic circles. While former Kingfisher employees had been crying for their pending pay, and plenty of Kingfisher shareholders had cost a fortune in the market, Mallya was flaunting his wealth, throwing lavish events and in F1 rallies.

That isn’t how a sincere guy, in economic difficulty, behaves in such a scenario but exhibits defiance and a rude mindset that the ‘wealthy and effective’ can take the machine for granted. The equal air provoked the media to chase Mallya—the identical person who soon claimed: “he could buy any journalist In India.”

There was, and there’s no motive for banks to comply with, settle for much less than half of the amount Mallya owes to them. At the same time, through felony recovery complaints, the lenders can recover the entire essential and interest quantity (which is growing every passing week).
Mallya nonetheless has fortune.

Mallya has palatial residences and top-rate real estate properties throughout the world. His shareholding in groups is worth over Rs 7000 crores. If Subrata Roy of Sahara can show the cause to sell his property to pop out of prison, there is no purpose why Mallya cannot do the same longer going to jail.


Mallya is combating a massive belief deficit with creditors, shareholders, investigators, and the courts. Banks have not been motivated to accept this as true with his words. He agrees to repay after turning cornered from all sides, and there may be no option left even to return to his home in the US. The industrialist has the whole thing at stake—his family legacy, his business empire, and even his non-public freedom within the country of his start.

Greater than any of these elements, the biggest cause is that we shouldn’t settle for anything beyond the full quantity and prison action towards Mallya, which is that the cash at stake is public money. Banks gather deposits raised from the public and lend the budget. In the Vijay Mallya case, kingdom-run banks have been taken for the experience of using Mallya.

Each hollow Mallya punch on the balance sheets of these banks needs to be crammed through the general taxpayer (authorities, being the proprietors of those banks, infuse capital in those banks each year). The taxpayer shouldn’t be pressured to bail out cronies. There are numerous Mallyas available who are watching the Kingfisher case. An inventory of Rs 400,000 crore of horrific loans threatening the banking region (the maximum of which can be from corporates).

Within the region of Mallya, had it been a not unusual man who defaulted on his home or vehicle loan, a navy of financial institution workforce might have knocked at his door on the 91st day to recover the cash? There is no reason why Mallya et al. must be handled differently.