3 Tips to Choose the Right CNC Machine Tool


CNC (Computer Numerical Control) Machining is a process used in the manufacturing sector that involves computers to control machine tools. Some tools that CNC can manage are lathes, mills, routers, and grinders. This technique is typically used in industries that are involved in the manufacturing of metal and plastic parts. It is used to produce complex shapes, especially 3-D shapes that require a high level of precision that cannot be achieved otherwise through manual machining. In addition, this process is great for repetitive tasks where a specific job has to be done in the same manner repeatedly.

Image result for CNC Machine

So, whether undertaking a one-time project or planning for repetitive mass production, using a CNC machine tool can help you get tremendous output results by cutting down on the percentage of waste material. But with a wide range of types and manufacturers in the market, how do you shop for the right tool that best suits your needs? Have a look at some of the important factors to help you choose the perfect option –

Material Type

CNC machines can work on various materials: aluminum, copper, steel, titanium, etc. Every CNC machine is uniquely designed, and the type of machine required to be bought has a lot to do with the kind of material it has to deal with. Plastic, Acrylic, and Aluminum are a few materials that a CNC router can handle, whereas cutting parts for automotive, defense, aerospace, or medical industries may call for advanced CNC machines. Choosing the wrong machine tool can damage the material you want to process and, at worst, the machine tool itself.

Scope of Work

After considering the material that needs to be cut comes the job size. A larger cutting area would require a comparatively larger machine and be more expensive. So, it is crucial to decide on the job site you are looking forward to manufacturing, not just at the present moment but also to plan and choose the level of operation you will be undertaking in the future. You don’t want repeated costs breaking your bank while planning to expand your operations later. It is a one-time investment, so invest wisely.

Quantity VS Quality

Generally, every CNC machine is designed to give excellent precision and high-level outputs. But few projects need to be completed within tight deadlines, and the smoothness of cuts is not required for them; in such a case, you can buy a machine that offers you straight and speedy cuts and helps you in mass production. However, if you are involved in a project that demands intricate designs, then the goal shifts from quantity to quality, and you need to invest in a machine with more flutes on a CNC bit.

Last, it is important to consider the storage capacity in your manufacturing area to make space for the newly bought machine tool. The size varies from industry to industry, but you must ensure ample space for efficient working before you bring in the machine.