Male pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss in men. It has been estimated that around 95% of all male hair loss cases are due to male pattern baldness. By age 21, men will have experienced some degree of male pattern baldness. By the age of 35, that number goes up to 66%. And by the age of 50, 85% of men will have been affected by male pattern baldness. (Source: NCBI)
There are many different reasons why you could be losing your hair. If your hair loss is sudden, it could indicate an underlying condition.
- Genetics: Hereditary hair loss is usually slow and gradual but worsens as you age.
- Vitamin deficiencies: Some skin doctors believe deficiency of vitamins B6 and B12, zinc, and amino acid L-lysine can also lead to hair loss.
- Autoimmune reactions: Autoimmune conditions such as Lupus, alopecia areata, and Celiac disease can lead to hair loss.
- Thyroid problems: Thyroid conditions, such as hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, can result in hair loss as well.
- Medication: Certain supplements and medications can have the side-effect of hair thinning. Consult your doctor if you suspect your medications are causing loss of hair.
- Stress: Extreme stress or traumatic events can cause sudden hair fall, which is usually temporary but cannot be ignored.
Thankfully, a wide range of quality hair loss remedies for men are available. From natural remedies to medical procedures to scientific formulas to lifestyle changes, men take various approaches and yield positive results. Let’s take a look at some of them.
1. Proper Hair Care
Hair loss can sometimes be a result of improper hair care. Therefore, you should avoid any action likely to damage your follicles. That can include straightening, braiding, using harmful chemicals, using hot oil treatments, and many more.
2. Lifestyle Changes
Just like improper hair care can cause hair fall, so can improper care of your body. A poor diet, smoking, and stress have all been linked to hair loss. Maybe it’s time to put down the cigarettes and potato chips and pick up a Fitbit.
3. Treat yourself with Scalp Massages
According to a study, men who receive a daily scalp massage experience thicker hair. The method reportedly stimulates hair follicles to prevent hair fall. Plus, it’s a stress buster, and it feels great.
Hair Transplants
Technically, it’s not a hair growth treatment (since it doesn’t grow hair); transplants will fill up those follicular bald spots. Remember that this is a surgical and expensive procedure that might require a few visits. Consult with your hair doctor regarding potential risks associated before you proceed.
The two most popular methods are as follows:
- Follicular unit transplantation – Skin is removed from the back of your head (where there tends to be more hair), and the follicles are removed from the skin. Then, they are surgically planted in the balding areas.
- Follicular unit extraction – This procedure avoids the skin removal step. In this procedure, hair from one part of the scalp is taken and transplanted in the balding areas.
Laser Treatment
This hair loss treatment reduces the type of follicle inflammation that inhibits regrowth. It’s relatively new and not backed by much research, so proceed cautiously.
Hair fall treatment in homeopathy
Hair fall treatment in homeopathy has yielded successful results over the years. Homeopathy follows a holistic approach. Many studies have shown that homeopathy can effectively treat hair loss.
An 11-year-old boy, Naresh, in the Dermatology Clinic at the Regional Research Institute of Homoeopathy, Gudivada, Andhra Pradesh, India, was reported with extensive alopecia areata. He came with multiple bald spots on the head, which had troubled him for over a year. Homeopathic medicine was prescribed based on individualization and symptom totality. Eventually, the bald patches on the skull showed new hair growth.
Homeopathy treats any condition by determining the root cause of it. As we have seen, there can be multiple factors that can cause hair loss. Homeopathy considers all aspects of a person’s medical, genetic, and psychological history.
Based on the thorough evaluation (just like in Naresh), personalized homeopathic medicine for hair loss is given to each individual. These homeopathic remedies aim to provide long-term relief. The best part is that they do not present any side effects or addiction problems whatsoever.
As we have seen, there are some great options in hair regrowth treatment, but homeopathy beats them all. So, do not wait around if you suffer from hair fall problems. Visit the nearest homeopathic clinic and get yourself treated with this wonderful approach.